النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 3:
Working group Molekülspektroskopie
Die working group molecule spectroscopy originally belonged to Institut for physical chemistry of the Christian Albrechts university to Kiel and is attached since 1997 to the chair for high-frequency engineering. It concerns itself with the rotation-spectroscopic investigation of insulating molecules in the millimeter and submillimetre wave range:
Frequency range
Die analysis of the rotation spectra supplies information about the molecular structure and dynamics; Investigations of oscillation-lively conditions inform additionally about rotation oscillation Wechselwirkungen.
Unser to spectrometers for the admission of the rotation spectra essentially consist like each absorption spectrometer of three parts: a radiation source,an absorption cell and a detector. These main components, like the following picture shows, supplemented by a variety from auxiliary instruments to the control, Stabilisation, data acquisition etc.:
Einige components of the spectrometer.
Als radiation sources are predominantly used back wave oscillators (Backward Wave of oscillator, BWOs).In the millimeter wave band we usually use a Ku-volume-BWO (Hewlett Packard 8690B Sweep Oscillator with module HP 8695A), which supplies nominal MW-radiation from 12.4 to 18 GHz and with an amplifier (HP 8349B) and an active frequency multiplier (Verdreifacher HP 83556A and/or Versechsfacher HP 83558A) be combined can,within the submillimetre wave range Russian BWOs (OB-30 and OB-32) of the company FSUE RPC „Istok”. For special measurements additionally klystron tubes (OKI 20V10, 24V11 and 47V12, Varian VRE 2102A-66 and VRE 2103 B6 as well as Rodan KA 651) are available, whose respective output frequency can be passively multiplied depending upon requirement by spot contact diodes.With the sources mentioned leave themselves the frequency ranges from 12 to 120 as well as from 240 to 520 GHz almost completely abdecken.
Die absorption cell consist of a cylindrical, reciprocally glass tube of 4.20 m length and 10 cm diameters, locked with teflon disks. This has the advantage opposite the brass waveguides otherwise usual in the rotation spectroscopy,that also unstable substances, which decompose at metal surfaces fast in a glass cell under the typical test conditions receive relatively for a long time in the concentration necessary for the measurement bleiben.
For the detection of the signals for measurements in the range of very deep frequencies (among them to understand we the centimeter wave range) commercially available microwave diodes are used, during in which for us more important millimeter and submillimetre wave range a InSb Hot Electron bolometer cooled with liquid helium („a Putley detector”) is used.With the refrigerator for helium liquefaction, needed for the enterprise, it concerns a special production of the Canadian company Quantum Technology; the detector chip of the type QFI/X comes from the English manufacturer QMC.
Die admission of the spectra effected computer-controlled using a frequency-stabilized radiation source.Here the Stabilisation is realized depending upon frequency range by or two automatic control loops (phase LOCK loop, PLLs). With the Einkreisstabilisation the Ku-volume-BWO is only frequency-stabilized with the help of a frequency decade functioning as local oscillator (PTS 500).The stabilized output signal is afterwards strengthened and used then directly or after multiplication as measuring signal. With the frequencies higher for measurements within the range applied Zweikreisstabilisation is strengthened it, is sextupled actively and used then in a second automatic control loop for the Stabilisation of the Russian BWO tube (Istok OB-30 or OB-32). (More details see footnote.) The measurements take place in the so-called source double modulation procedure (English SOURCE modulation). This procedure is based, like the German term already suggest, on the principle of a double modulation of the radiation source: The slow modulation of the Frequenzsweeps a high frequency modulation of low amplitude is overlaid.For the slow Frequenzsweep (Sweepfrequenz 5 cycles per second), which re-painting over the molecular signal serves, the frequency of the PTS 500 computer-controlled in each case 1024 steps for and the Rücksweep one varies. „” Output signal gesweepte in such a way like descriptive to the Stabilisation of the Ku-volume-BWOs is above used,by the phaserigid coupling to the frequency decade now for his part „” becomes gesweept. This mechanism is repeated if necessary in the second PLL. The output signal of the respective measuring source now the 16-kHz-Sinussignal of a RC-generator (HP 3310A) is overlaid.This second modulation is linked depending upon machine structure over the Synkriminator first or the second automatic control loop and remains with depresses through the absorption cell and following detection erhalten.
Das detector signal is preamplified and then on one in the 2f-Modus working LOCK in amplifier (Stanford Research's of system SR 510) given,by the same sinus-wave generator one steers. By the high frequency modulation in connection with the 2f-Modus one receives the second derivative of the Absoptionssignals. Thereby one wins a better signal/noise relationship as well as a sharper Absorptionslinien.
The in such a way processed signal is finally handed over over a A/D transducer to the PC and stored there both in RAM and visualized on the monitor. By the use of the computer the measuring data of several cycles (those of and Rücksweep to consist in each case) can be added, from which the possibility results, the signal/noise relationship further too verbessern.
The measurements become usually at ambient temperature (28,5 °C) and relatively low measuring printings accomplished in the range 1-3 Pa. In mmw and submmw range amounts to the measuring accuracy with typical half widths of 75-500 kHz (helped width RK helped maximum, HWHM) depending upon line strength ±5 to ±25 kHz.
Nähere details concerning structure and function mode of the spectrometer can e.g.[1] taken werden.
Lineare Moleküle
Theoreti Hintergrund
Lineare of molecules exhibit in the oscillation initial state a conceivably simple rotation spectrum: Absorption lines arise in the spectrum whenever the irradiated frequency the expression
ν = 2B (J 1) – 4D (J 1) 3 H (J 1) 3 [(J 2) 3 – J3]
Hierbei are B, D and H molecule-specific constant,and J = 0, 1, 3,… is the rotation quantum number. If a molecule absorbs radiation of the frequency defined by the above expression ν, then it goes from by the rotation quantum number J described a condition into the next higher, by J 1 descriptive über.
Da the rotation constant of B typically a value of some GHz exhibits,while the centrifugal distortion constants of D and/or H lie generally in the cycle per second and/or MHz range, the sample, which is to be recognized in the spectrum, is predominantly determined of first addends of the above frequency expression. The rotation spectrum consists thus of individual absorption lines, their distances from each other in each case for instance 2B betragen.
During the transition to lively oscillation conditions the spectra are at will complicated:
Ein N-atomiges linear molecule exhibits 3N – 5 oscillation degrees of freedom, which distribute themselves on N-1 stretching vibrations (oscillations within the molecule axle) as well as N-2 bending vibrations degenerated doubly (oscillations perpendicularly to the molecule axle).Generally the levels of simply lively bending vibrations energetic lie so deeply that their populations for a rotation-spectroscopic investigation are sufficiently large, during lively stretching vibration conditions energetic more highly settled and from there only partly accessible sind.
Apart from the simply lively oscillation conditions (in those the oscillation quantum number υ the value 1 has), more highly excited states (overtones with υ > 1 as well as combination oscillations, with which two or more oscillations are at the same time lively) exist.
For the description of rotation transitions within these more highly lively oscillation conditions further quantum numbers must be considered apart from the rotation quantum number J, and the expressions for the absorption frequencies contain a variety of oscillation rotation reciprocal effect constants apart from B, D and H.A rotation transition J 1 ← J does not lead no more in these cases to individual absorption line, but he splits up to a Dublett, a triplet, quartet or a higher multiplet:
Spektrum of HCCNC
Typi quartet a combination (HCCNC, oscillation condition (υ4υ5υ6υ7) = (0011), transition J = 5 ← 4).
Fluoracetylen H-C≡C-F
The mmw spectrum of HCCF was the subject of our investigations [2] already some years ago. In a new study [3] we expanded the measurements into the submmw range and covered measurements between 230 and 510 GHz (J = 11 to 25) durchgeführt.
Die new series of measurements apart from the oscillation initial state and the excited states (υ3υ4υ5) = (001), (002), (003), (010), (011),(012) and (020) first also the energetic deepest stretching vibration condition (100). This is about 1061 cm-1 and forms a classical Fermy dyad with the energetic neighbouring condition (020) at 1156 cm-1.By the new study [3] the molecular parameters could in [2] already treated lively oscillation conditions regarding their accuracy around to two decimal places improve werden.
Die representation of the connection took place via pyrolysis from 1,3,5-Trifluorbenzol via microwave unloading. The reaction was accomplished in the high vacuum in a quartz tube,directly to the absorption cell of the spectrometer was coupled. All reaction product
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